Climate fiction about rising sea levels

Clevedon Harbour photographed at sunset when the water is goldenMy new job is devouring almost ever hour, but I’m still carving out some time to write and share my words.
On Saturday 22nd March, I’ll be reading one of my hopeful dystopian flash fiction ‘Fishing For Green and Blue’ at Climate & Nature in Poetry and Prose, a morning of reading in the Waverley Room at Clevedon Library (37 Old Church Road, Clevedon BS21 6NN) as part of the Green Shift Festival.
The event is free, happens from 11am to 12.30, and there’s no need to book, just turn up.
There will be readings including The World Is Too Much With Us by William Wordsworth, an extract from ‘Aerth’ by Deborah Tomkins, ‘Healing the planet / Healing ourselves’ by Ben Okri, ‘Birthday’ by Simon Armitage), and a short extract from ‘Islands of Abandonment: Life in the post-human landscape’ by Cal Flynn, as well as my flash about rising sea levels.
The readers are all local activists and writers. It should be a great, thought-provoking morning.
And from 2pm, Annie, a psychotherapist and counsellor, will be running a workshop on finding resilience in a time of climate uncertainty.
Both events are free, but you need to register for the workshop by emailing
I’d love you to come along if you’re available and fancy a trip to beautiful Clevedon.

Published stories

View between two trees showing other trees
I relish writing and editing short stories and flash fiction, and have a self-imposed rule of submitting every month. If you write, I highly recommend this trick. It ensures that for every rejection, there are still a handful of tales out in the world that may yet be published, plus a gentle flurry of successes to bolster your writing mojo.

Here are some of my recent and upcoming publications.


Waterslides and Other Snakes – Decadent Serpent

February 2025

Bellis PerenisWordpeace

December 2024

To trust the hungry sea – Flash Frontier, CIRCLE | POROWHITA issue. This story was nominated for a Best Microfiction award.

Dad has received his festive trim – Paragraph Planet

75-word story written by Judy Darley, published by Paragrah Planet on 24-12-24: Dad has received his festive trim: eyebrows pruned of their miraculous reach; nostril hairs freshly sheared; beard reduced to bristles that prickle when Cordie kisses his cheek. From the Care Home’s depths, a rich aroma heralds roasting meat. Dad blinks awake. “All right, Dad? Ready for a feast?” She ushers him into the dining room where fairy lights scratch shadows. Gravy awaits its chance to congeal in the corners of mouths, and nostalgia hangs in gleaming tatters.

FledglingNeither Fish Nor Foul

Dusk at the Marine Lake – Writers’ Journal Vol. 1: Live & Learn

November 2024

A 1,500 word excerpt of my hybrid memoir ‘The Tree Inside’ was shortlisted and highly commended for the Laurie Lee Prize.

October 2024

Tall Girl and Lazlo the Terrible – Frazzled Lit. This story was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

August 2024

Giraffe Families – Epoque Press

July 2024

All the Lives we Almost LiveTrash Cat Lit

June 2024

Moon JelliesNational Flash Fiction Day Write In

Reasons to Rescue Strangers – National Flash Fiction Day Anthology 2024

Why We Dance on the PierGooseberry Pie Lit Magazine

May 2024

CleaveTiny Molecules

February 2024

Blue-naped Parrots See More Than They SayNew Flash Fiction Review Issue 32 Family Life

January 2024

A Bright Day – winner of the New Writers UK Winter Story competition

October 2023

Mycorrhiza – Flash Frontier GARDEN / MĀRA issue

A Still, Golden Light – The Simple Things Magazine issue 136

What Was Lost & How Insects Signal Their Love – Flash Boulevard

June 2023

Windowledge Archives – National Flash Fiction Day Flash Flood UK 2023

The Long Way Home – National Flash Fiction Day NZ Micro Madness

April 2023

This is Not a Story About Chickens – The Hooghly Review issue 1

February 2023

How Many is 80? Paragraph Planet (scroll to Feb 23rd)

January 2023

Life Hacks – 12 Fragile Things Not to Use as a Doorstop – Wensum Literary Magazine issue 1/Winter 2023

December 2022

Natural Miracles – Flash Frontier Wonder issue

October 2022

The Art of Pivot and Flit – Dually Noted, Brink Literacy Project

September 2022

The Bee Man’s Secret – Flash Fiction Festival Volume Five

August 2022

The Green-Gold of Wet Kelp – Fairlight Books

June 2022

The egret and I don’t belong here – The Phare Literary Magazine Summer 2022 issue

Tricks to uproot a guest who has outstayed their welcome – Tiny Molecules issue 13

After Dad Goes into Care – National Flash Fiction Day FlashFlood 2022

Bees Breathe Without Lungs – Honeyguide Magazine

How to Hook a Heart – And We Live Happily Ever After, National Flash Fiction Day anthology 2022

The Tempest Inside – Micro Madness

April 2022

Milk Tooth – Wyldblood Press

March 2022

Awkward Liaisons – Flash Fiction Festival Volume Four

Falling in a Forest Mslexia magazine issue 93

Oxblood – Flash Frontier

Fishing for Green and Blue – Retreat West 10th Birthday Anthology

December 2021

Reasons Your Kefir Might Sour – Litro Magazine Flash Friday

The Only Language He knows Now is Touch – Blink-Ink, Moonlight #46

The Finch in My Sister’s Hair – The Birdseed

The Sea Lives in Her Mum’s Head – Ellipsis Zine

November 2021

The Salt Sting of Learning When To Say No – Flash Frontier

September 2021

My Choice – Six Sentence Stories

Three Shades of Summer – Flash Fiction Magazine

Storm Beckoner – Bandit Fiction

June 2021

Leaf After Leaf – National Flash Fiction Day Write-In

The Hare I Miss – Thimble Literary Magazine

What’s That? – Spilling Cocoa Over Martin Amis

May 2021

Reaching (collaborate work – I wrote the first stanza) – 100 Words of Solitude

April 2021

Stretching Out – Hencroft

The Sideways House – Twin Pies Volume IV

March 2021

Unstill Life With Plums – The Pomegranate

Portfolio updates

I’ve updated my portfolio with a selection of the many consumer and b2c pieces I have written and designed. You can take a look here

When I’m not wrangling with fictional characters, I’m working as a brand engagement and communications manager, copywriter and freelance features writer. Clients include charities, not-for-profit organisations, authors, artists and businesses.

I produce and manage implementation of content strategies, write and edit a wide-range of content, produce newsletters and graphics, organise events, populate websites, advise on branding, and launch or revitalise social media channels.

If any of this sounds like something that could help you, drop a line to

A Christmas love story

Red yarn by Judy DarleyMerry December! As we hurtle towards Christmas, I thought I’d share a festive tale from my collection The Stairs Are a Snowcapped Mountain (available to buy here). It’s about the beginning of a Christmas romance, told from the POV of a rat….

Click Clack Twitch

I watched her emerge through the office’s gleaming glass door and hurry to the bus stop, pulling on her mittens. With a flick of my ear, the electronic sign glitched, showing false news of all buses running late.

She pursed her lips and settled on the tilted plastic seat, drawing her knitting from her bag. Click clack, click clack – the sound made my whiskers twitch.

The harrumphing bus drew up, and she leapt aboard, flustered by the prompt arrival challenging the lying sign.

One glove dropped in her haste. I waited till the bus was gone and then rescued the fallen mitt; swept it in my teeth to my children’s nest beneath the waste storage container.

My three children took to their new bed with squeaks of joy. Tell us again, Mama, tell us again about the princess who lost this glove.

I told them of her beauty and her radiance and how she worked so hard each day inputting data and dreamt-away each journey home knitting scarves and gloves for the love she’d yet to recognise.

While my children three slept snug in their bed, I crept onto a bus – the same bus repeating the route that carried our princess from shining glass door to blue-painted door. Crouching on a windowsill, I watched through the glass as she upended her bag on the floor: yarn, knitting needles and all.

In vain, she searched for the dropped glove that now lined our nest.

Her flatmate entered at that moment. She stood as short as our princess stood tall and was as fair as our princess was dark.

What’s going on? she asked, and our princess sighed and spoke of the mislaid glove.

The flatmate took the princess’s cold hand between both of hers and kissed it.

The princess blinked, startled. But you…? But I…?

But we… the flatmate answered, and both beamed like the stars rising behind me.

I scurried home, glad of a happy beginning to tell my children three.


Readings at the Festival of Stories

Festival of Stories1I’m excited to be reading some stories from my short fiction collection ‘The Stairs are a Snowcapped Mountain‘ at Festival of Stories, taking place at Sparks (the old M&S) in Broadmead, Bristol, on Sat 30th November 2024. I’ll be reading a short story and two micros (under half a page long!) packed with wonder.
I’m reading in the Stories For Grown Ups section at 1pm, but there’s fun book-inspired activities throughout the day, from 10.45am until 5.45pm. Most events on the day are free to attend.
Plus there’ll be chances to meet local authors, and buy personally signed copies of books. Don’t forget, books make unbeatable Christmas presents!

‘The Tree Inside’ – highly commended by The Laurie Lee Prize

Laurie Lee Prize judges

I’m delighted to share the news that an excerpt from my hybrid nature memoir ‘The Tree Inside’ has been highly commended by judges of The Laurie Lee Prize.

All shortlisted entrants were invited to a fabulous awards night as part of Stroud Book Festival. Amidst readings and the beauty of a version of Laurie Lee’s poem ‘April Rise’ set to music by Jonathan Trim and performed by the Every Other Monday Choir, judge Adam Horovitz announced my excerpt as a highly commended entry.

It felt very fitting as the memoir celebrates my dad, who introduced me to Laurie Lee’s wonderful writing, as well as the wonder of nature and the nature of wonder.

Congratulations to the winner Laura Kinnear, and thank you to all the judges: Katie Fforde (chair, pictured), Jessy Lee (Laurie Lee’s daughter!), Norah Perkins (Laurie Lee’s literary agent) Jamila Gavin (pictured), Adam Horovitz (pictured) and Jane Bailey (pictured) for commending my tale.

Thank you, especially, to Jane for telling me how it moved you. I know so many people lose loved ones to dementia, and that for every individual it is both unfathomable and extraordinary.

Enter Clevedon LitFest’s Short Story Competition today

Gulls over Clevedon Pier_Photo by Judy DarleyDo you live in North Somerset and write fiction? If so, I urge you to enter Clevedon LitFest’s Short Fiction Competition.

Open to North Somerset postcode residents only, age 19 years or above.


  • 1st Prize is £100
  • 2nd is £75
  • 3rd is £50

One short story no longer than 500 words can be submitted.

Closing date = 12th August 2024 at 11.59pm BST.

Entry fee £5 (when paying please give the same email address as that used to submit your entry).

Your entry can only be submitted by email, as an attachment, using the email
address given when you paid your entry fee.

Find the rules and full details here.

Pay your entry fee here.

Julie Davies won the inaugural Clevedon Literary Festival short story competition with her story Remembrance in 2023. She says: “Winning the Clevedon LitFest Short Story Competition was a huge boost to my confidence as a writer. It’s a badge of validation I wear with pride. Also, it funded a whole new stack of books for my reading pile, thanks to the generous prize money!”

Your judges

Jackie Hales head shot cropJackie Hales moved to Clevedon in 2022 and is thoroughly enjoying being involved with local writing, reading, singing and walking groups. Before retiring, she taught Creative Writing modules, and back in the 1990s, she was a Poetry Guild national semi-finalist.

Jackie’s Her début novel was published in 2022, with her second due for release in August 2024. She has also had published memoir, short stories, microfiction and poetry, both online and in print.

She has annually marked a writing competition in Yorkshire, and she enthusiastically judged Clevedon Literary Festival short story competition last year, so she is looking forward to reading this year’s entries.

What Jackie is looking for in Competition entries:

“I’m looking for writing that draws me into its world through originality, impact and engaging characterisation, making me want to read to the end. Language use and structure  will be carefully crafted for maximum effect on the reader.”

Judy Darley photo credit Jo Mary Bulter Photography_cropJudy Darley is an award-winning writer, editor and creative workshop leader who relocated to Clevedon in December 2023. She is the author of short fiction collections The Stairs Are a Snowcapped Mountain (Reflex Press), Sky Light Rain (Valley Press) and Remember Me To The Bees (Tangent Books).

She previously judged competitions for National Flash Fiction Day UK and Oxford Flash Fiction Prize, among others. She won first prize in the New Writers UK Winter Story competition 2024 with her micro-tale A Bright Day.

In her other life, Judy is a Community Manager and helps to run conferences about financial wellbeing.

What Judy is looking for in Competition entries:

“I want to be moved by what I read. Although 500 words is no longer than a flash fiction, that’s enough space to create a story arc. There should be some sense of change in the story, if only in the protagonist. I want to read stories that ignite my imagination and capture my heart!”

Good luck!

Discover the secrets of award-winning short story writers

I’m excited to be chairing a panel at Clevedon Literary Festival on Saturday 8th June. From 1.30pm until 2.30pm, I will be interviewing writers Keza O’Neill, whose story Lucky Strike placed 3rd in the 2023 Bristol Prize short story competition, and Julie Davies, winner of the inaugural Clevedon Literary Festival short story competition in 2023.

Book your tickets here for just £5 each. Bargain!

Taking place at St John’s Hall, Clevedon BS21 7XJ, the session will cover creative processes, inspiration, and how you know when you have a potentially award-winning story ready to send out into the world. We’ll talk about the impact of a prize win on your sense of yourself as a writer, as well as what these talented writers are working on now.

Find details of the whole summer festival (5th-9th June) here. There are masses of excellent talks and inspiring events taking place throughout the beautiful North Somerset coastal town across these days, as well as pockets of literary goodness throughout the year!

Your panellists

Keza O'NeillKeza O’Neill’s story ‘Lucky Strike’, a tale of thwarted rage and a commentary on the gentrification of coastal towns, recently won the Sansom Award and was awarded third place in the Bristol Short Story Prize with her story Lucky Strike. Keza has been longlisted for the Bath Short Story Award 2023, the CWA Debut Dagger 2021 and the Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize 2019. Keza completed a Masters in Creative Writing in 2023 via The Open University for which she was awarded a Distinction.

Keza is a qualified Coach-Mentor and spent 12 years working in Diversity & Inclusion and Learning & Development in a global Tech company, supporting clients across 40+ countries and multiple timezones. She’s interested in the relationships between people and places and the significance of ‘home’ in shaping identity.

Julie DaviesJulie Davies won the inaugural Clevedon Literary Festival short story competition with her story Remembrance in 2023. Her story Just Dessert was the second place winner in the Winchester Festival I Am Writing Flash Fiction Competition 2022.

Julie writes flash fiction, short stories, and poetry, and is currently working on her first novel. One of her favourites of the stories she’s written is about a Martian craterworm.

When she’s not writing, Julie enjoys time with her grandchildren, especially reading with them and encouraging their love of books. She also enjoys tending her garden, walking, visiting RSPB reserves, travelling, sewing, discussing books in her reading group, and a bit of drawing and mindful doodling whenever her mind needs a calming space.

Judy Darley photo credit Jo Mary Bulter Photography_cropJudy Darley is an award-winning writer, editor and creative workshop leader who relocated to Clevedon in December 2023. She is the author of short fiction collections The Stairs Are a Snowcapped Mountain (Reflex Press), Sky Light Rain (Valley Press) and Remember Me To The Bees (Tangent Books).

She previously judged competitions for National Flash Fiction Day UK and Oxford Flash Fiction Prize, among others, and is one of the judges for Clevedon Literary Festival Open Short Story Competition 2024. She won first prize in the New Writers UK Winter Story competition 2024 with her micro-tale A Bright Day.

In her other life, Judy is a Community Manager and helps to run conferences about financial wellbeing.

See you at ‘Stories for Grown Ups’ at The Festival of Stories, 9th March

Festival of Stories artwork showing drawings of people sitting on books with the words Festival of Stories in white serif font on a black starry background.I’m excited to be running a segment at Bristol’s Festival of Stories on Saturday 9th March. This fabulous one-day event is celebrating storytelling in all its forms, with a book swap, new and second-hand books for sale, writing workshops, kid-friendly stories with children’s authors, and *trigger warning* there might even be a clown or two… The section I’ve been invited to curate is titled Stories for Grown Ups and is from 2pm-3pm..

The word-revelling event takes over Sparks, the old M&S in Broadmead, from 11am-6pm on Saturday 9th March.

I’m a firm believer that adults benefit from being read to just as much as children do, and have invited some fabulous local writers to join me in sharing their words at Stories For Grown Ups from 2-3pm.

Helen Sheppard is a Bristol-based writer and former midwife whose poetry explores themes of birth, health loss, and those whose voices are often unheard. Helen co-runs Satellite of Love Poetry events. Her debut poetry collection Fontanelle was published by Burning Eye Books.

Emma Phillips’ fiction has been placed in the Bath Flash Award, Free Flash Fiction Competition and Best Microfiction 2022 and appear in various other places in print and online. Her flash collection Not Visiting the SS Great Britain is out now from Alien Buddha Press.

Jude Higgins founded Bath Flash Fiction Award in 2015, has co-run The Bath Short Story Award since 2013 and directs the short-short fiction press, Ad Hoc fiction and Flash Fiction Festivals, UK. Her flash fiction chapbook The Chemist’s House was published in 2017 by V. Press. Another flash fiction collection will be out in 2024.

John Wheway’s publications include The Green Table of Infinity, from Anvil Press; Poborden, from Faber; A Bluebottle in Late October, V Press; writings in New Measure, Stand, Magma, Warwick Review, Poetry Review, Yellow Nib, Poetry Quarterly, Compass, South Word, Agenda, High Window. He won the 2023 Wigtown International Poetry Prize.

Chrissey Harrison writes supernatural thrillers and other spec genre fiction. Books about monsters, magic, action and adventure, and fragile human characters trying to muddle through as best they can. Her debut novel, Mime, released in July 2020, is the first in her Weird News Series. Her short stories have featured in several anthologies, most recently Forgotten Sidekicks (Grimbold Books) and Fire (North Bristol Writers).

I’ll wrap up the session. I’m the author of short fiction collections The Stairs are a Snowcapped Mountain (Reflex Press), Sky Light Rain (Valley Press) and Remember Me to the Bees (Tangent Books). My words have been published and performed on BBC radio and aboard boats, in museums, caves, a disused church and artists’ studios.

It will be an inspiring, emotionally enriching day of events, so why not pop in? With Mothering Sunday just the day after, it’s also a great, unusual way to celebrate any literature-loving mums.

How to keep writing – making sense of the mud

Victoria Park frost by Judy Darley

I’ve written articles for mindfulness and creativity magazines about how to stay motivated, and yet this year has been the first where I actually struggled with something like writer’s block myself. Life is a big, unwieldy and yet disproportionately short edifice, and nothing has made me more aware of this than losing my dad last year. My imagination has been narrower and darker than I’ve ever known it, which I think may be hormonal, or a symptom of life.

But, and here’s the sunshine, I’ve continued to write. Not all of it worth showing to anyone,  but an occasional scattering of words on a page or a screen that came from my brain to my fingertips in an order that made some kind of sense, even if not the glowing sensational sense I always secretly hope for.

More importantly, I’ve realised that that’s enough – for now, for this muddy, clarty year. (If you don’t know the word ‘clarty’, ask a northerner. Funnily enough, auto-correct wants to change it to ‘clarity’ which is almost the exact antithesis of the meaning).

I’ve realised that while I’ve been fretting about losing my flow, other things have been happening. I’ve been absorbing and thinking and mulling and above all, reflecting. Sometimes we need to hit pause and simply digest.

So if you’ve hit a similar wall or got stuck in some clarty mud, don’t fret. It’s all part of the process, and, hopefully, will pass.

In the meantime, treat yourself kindly, read widely, think deeply, and when the sun shines, walk out into it. Maybe some of that glow will rub off on you and your writing.