Climate fiction about rising sea levels

Clevedon Harbour photographed at sunset when the water is goldenMy new job is devouring almost ever hour, but I’m still carving out some time to write and share my words.
On Saturday 22nd March, I’ll be reading one of my hopeful dystopian flash fiction ‘Fishing For Green and Blue’ at Climate & Nature in Poetry and Prose, a morning of reading in the Waverley Room at Clevedon Library (37 Old Church Road, Clevedon BS21 6NN) as part of the Green Shift Festival.
The event is free, happens from 11am to 12.30, and there’s no need to book, just turn up.
There will be readings including The World Is Too Much With Us by William Wordsworth, an extract from ‘Aerth’ by Deborah Tomkins, ‘Healing the planet / Healing ourselves’ by Ben Okri, ‘Birthday’ by Simon Armitage), and a short extract from ‘Islands of Abandonment: Life in the post-human landscape’ by Cal Flynn, as well as my flash about rising sea levels.
The readers are all local activists and writers. It should be a great, thought-provoking morning.
And from 2pm, Annie, a psychotherapist and counsellor, will be running a workshop on finding resilience in a time of climate uncertainty.
Both events are free, but you need to register for the workshop by emailing
I’d love you to come along if you’re available and fancy a trip to beautiful Clevedon.

Flash Walk – the stories

On Saturday 16th June I hosted a Flash Walk as part of the National Flash Fiction Day celebrations. We invited competition entries on the theme of Urban Landscapes, between 40 and 400 words in length. Wonderful submissions arrived from all over the world, which we managed to narrow down to 12 winning entries.

Ashley Green, Christopher Ryan and Poppy Hocken.

The stories were performed by actors Ashley Green, Christopher Ryan and Poppy Hocken, during the #FlashWalk from Bristol’s M Shedon Bristol Harbourside to The GreenHouse It was a wonderful to lead our audience across the city, and attract a few curious folks along the way. The rain held off until the very last story!

The winning stories are incredibly varied. Some are funny, some moving, some thought-provoking, some a touch surreal. You can read a selection of them here. Continue reading

Fancy a Flash?

FlashWalk2016_Actors JoButler TomParker

National Flash Fiction Day UK 2018 erupts tomorrow – Saturday 16th June – with events across the UK and a special trio of celebrations in Bristol.

The day unfolds with the #FlashWalk organised by yours truly.

We invited competition entries on the theme of Urban Landscapes, between 40 and 400 words in length. Wonderful submissions arrived from all over the world, and we managed to narrow it down to 12 winning entries, which will be performed by our talented actors, Ashley Green, Christopher Ryan and Poppy Hocken, during the #FlashWalk.

Ashley Green, Christopher Ryan and Poppy Hocken.

Actors Ashley Green, Christopher Ryan and Poppy Hocken

The fully guided #FlashWalk begins at 10.30am on 16th June, outside the harbourside entrance to Bristol’s M Shed. It will finish at the GreenHouse, Hereford Street, BS3 4NA (just under a mile’s stroll away), between an hour and an hour and a half later.

The GreenHouse will be the venue for the afternoon’s free writing workshops. There will also be an evening of flash fiction performances at Bedminster Library, and the launch of the 2018 National Flash Fiction Day anthology.

You can find more details here:,
and here:

Hope to see you there!


