Writing prompt – feast

Squirrel rose feast. Photo by Judy Darley

Visiting a rose garden, I saw a squirrel helping itself to a gorgeous bloom and carrying it off to enjoy a many-petalled fragrant feast. It made me think of Alice in Wonderland’s Queen of Hearts having white roses painted red. How might she punish this greedy squirrel ruining her display.

Imagine if you had allergies that meant the only thing you could eat was roses. How would you keep your diet interesting? What would you do in Winter when the rose garden is only thorns?

Or what if rose petals., or some other unlikely edible plant, had the power to transform you, like the potions and cakes in Alice in Wonderland?

Let your imagination run free with this writing prompt!

If you write or create something prompted by this idea, please let me know by emailing judydarley (at) iCloud.com. I’d love to know the creative direction you choose.