Writing prompt – summer

Clevedon shore. Photo by Judy DarleyWhat does ‘summer’ mean to you? For me it’s days like the one pictured, with skies that look like they’ve been painted, boats on the water and families on the shore. It may not be perfect blues and blazing hot days, but, as we Brits say (when we can) “at least it’s not raining.”

Can you write a tale inspired by your own particular thoughts of summer? Include specific details that bring to mind memories of summers’ past (anyone else remember sitting in the car at the seaside waiting for torrential rain to stop?), from ice cream flavours to a particular coastal walk, and any minor disasters you can laugh about now, years after the event.

If you write or create something prompted by this idea, please let me know by emailing judydarley (at) iCloud.com. I’d love to know the creative direction you choose.